2010年4月28日 星期三


Recently Yomiuri News reported the following:


 同省が今月21、22日、日本の警察庁で開いた情報交換会議で、同庁に伝えた。 兵庫県の家族が中毒になったギョーザは、製造した当日に段ボール箱に詰められ、出荷までの約1か月間、工場内の冷凍庫で保管されていた。呂容疑者はこの冷凍庫内に入り込み、注射器で段ボール箱の外から、有機リン系殺虫剤メタミドホスを注入したとみられ、日本側の捜査でもギョーザの袋に小さな穴が開いていたことが確認されている。 日本側は近く、混入経路の詳しい確認などのため、中国に捜査幹部を派遣する。

It was understood that Tian Yang Food Company former temporary employee Lu Yueting (36), arrested for suspected connection with the frozen dumpling poisoning that caused injury to ten people from three families in Chiba Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture, had testified to the Chinese Public Security Ministry that "Insecticide was injected from the outside of the cardboard box that packed the frozen dumpling (packing)".

The Ministry told the National Police Agency about this during the information exchange conference held at the National Police Agency in Japan on the 21st and 22nd this month.
The dumpling that poisoned the family in Hyogo Prefecture was packed into the cardboard box on manufactured day, and had been kept in a freezer of the factory for about one month until shipping. Lu the suspect was thought to have entered this freezer, injected the organic phosphorus related insecticide methamidophos from the outside of the cardboard box with the injection syringe, and investigation done by Japan had confirmed that tiny holes were open in the bag of the dumpling. Japan would shortly send investigation executives to China for the purpose of confirming details on the route of mixing etc.

This case has been lingering on for quite a long time and I hope it can come to an end soon.

2010年4月27日 星期二


Recently Asahi News reported the following:


 判決によると、女は2005~08年、偽造旅券で9回にわたり出入国を繰り返した。宮本聡裁判官は「軽率な犯行だが、組織的背景はない」と述べた。 公判でのやりとりなどによると、女は約20年前に米国に語学留学して以来、アパートを借りて猫の親子数匹を飼っていた。しかし、1998年ごろに入国を拒否され、理由を十分に説明されなかったため、自分の旅券では渡米できないと思い込んだという。 そこで女は、幼なじみの女性に頼んで名義を借り、自分の顔写真を張って旅券を申請。渡航の際はこの旅券を使っていたという。 公判で「テロなどでアメリカは敏感になっている。大騒ぎになるところだった」と諭す宮本裁判官に、女は「猫が心配で仕方なかった。どうしても帰りたかった」。猫は他人が引き取るなどしたといい、「軽はずみなことをした」と反省していた。

"There was a worry for the pet cats that had been left behind in the United States. . ." In order to see the pet cats, it was believed that passage had been made repeatedly to the United States using a false passport (travel document). A sentence with four years suspension (prosecutor demanding one year and six penal servitude months) was handed down on the 27th by the Gifu district court to a woman (48) company executive in Gifu City who was accused of the violating the Passport Law and attracted a penalty of one year and six penal servitude months.

According to the court, in year 2005-8 this woman repeatedly embarked/disembarked using a forged passport for nine times. Judge Satoshi Miyamoto described, "It was a thoughtless crime and there was no organized background". According to the information disclosed during the public trial, the woman went abroad to the US to study language about 20 years ago and since then rented an apartment to keep several young cats and their parent. However, in around 1998 she was refused entering the country and the reason was not clearly explained, she became convinced that it was not possible for her to visit America with the passport. Then she asked her woman friend since childhood for help, using her friend's name, put in her own photograph and applied for a passport. It was said that she used this passport when making a passage. In the public trial judge Miyamoto admonished that 「The United States is sensitive to terrorism etc. It became a fuss 」. The woman said 「I could not help but worried for the cats. I wanted to return by all means」. It would be better if others could receive the cats, and in reflection she said "I had done a thoughtless thing".

In order to visit cats overseas, this woman dared to use false documents to apply for a passport. What an interesting person she was.

2010年4月25日 星期日


Recently NHK News reported the following:


Just ahead of the start of the formal spring sightseeing season, the operation of "Velo Taxi" that took tourists on the three wheels bicycle in the central portion of Sapporo City had begun.
The Velo Taxi was an environment-friendly three-wheel bicycle taxi vehicle with the electric assistance developed in Germany and had been introduced to various places. In Sapporo City the city planning office NPO that had committed to defense the environment had started operating it at limited time since last year, and this year business would start on the 24th and the range is within three kilo using Ohdohri Park as the center. Because the Velo Taxi was completely established for the citizens and the tourists, as early as on the 24th, parents taking children could board the taxi and enjoy the street in the central portion at a slow speed. An adult's first ride up to 500 meters had a charge of 300 yen in fare, and until October this year it would be operated from 10:00AM to sunset. A woman passenger in Sapporo City said 「I was happy to get on for the first ride. I want to use it next time with big shopping bags in hand 」.

I know there is a Japanese language learning school in Sapporo and it is quite popular among some Hong Kong people. I hope they can enjoy this three-wheel bicycle ride when they are studying in Sapporo.

2010年4月23日 星期五


Recently Asahi News reported the following:

 朝日新聞フォトアーカイブは、戦前・戦中の貴重な歴史写真や、夏の高校野球のすべての大会、現代の地球規模の環境変動をとらえた写真など幅広く画像を網羅。公開当初は約20万枚でスタートし、今後も本社が所蔵する写真のデジタル化を進め、年度内には100万枚を超える日本最大の写真データベースを目指す。 今回は法人・企業が対象。ユーザー登録すると、明治から現在までの写真の中から欲しい写真を検索し、電子データを有料でダウンロードできる。個人向けには7月ごろに、登録なしでも写真を閲覧し、プリント注文できるようにする。

Starting from the 27th Asahi Shimbun would make public its photograph data base "Asahi Shimbun photo archive" (http://photoarchives.asahi.com/) that would enable the retrieval and ordering of photographs on the Internet.

The Asahi Shimbun photo archive included a wide range of valuable historical photographs from prewar days to during war, from high school summer baseball tournaments to modern global scale environmental changes. At first as a start about 200,000 photos would be open to the public, and along with the progress in digitalizing its photographs in the headquarters, it aimed at becoming the biggest photograph data base in Japan that would have over one million photos within this fiscal year. At this moment, corporations and enterprises would be the targeted users. After registration and paying a fee users could retrieve the desired photograph, and download the electronic data of that photograph which was taken from the Meiji era to the present. In around July, without registration individuals could inspect photos and order the prints.

I believe as more and more valuable photos are made available to the public, publishers may produce some photo albums on the basis of these photos.

2010年4月21日 星期三


最近天氣回暖, 我家門前的鬱金香(tulip)正在盛開. 我只種有紅色和黃色的, 附近有些鄰居還種了白色和紫色, 都很美麗. 我發現鬱金香有一特點, 就是日間它的花是打開的, 晚上它會自動地收起來, 都算有趣. 它的一年一度出現, 提醒了我初夏已經悄悄地來臨.

2010年4月19日 星期一


Recently Asahi News reported the following:


On the 16th, the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications announced the population estimate as of October 1, 2009. The total population was 127.51 million people, a 2 years in a row decrease. The number of people decreased was 183,000, it was the biggest decrease since comparable statistics was available after 1950. When saw it according to administrative divisions, in seven capital prefecture such as Tokyo and Aichi Prefecture the population had increased when compared with the previous year. Among these, it was only in Okinawa Prefecture that the rate of increasing rose (0.45%) and there was a large number of new births.

To subtract the death toll from the number of new born children, the natural change was a decrease of 59,000 people which was a 3 years in a row decrease. Women also faced a natural decrease for the first time. The social increase and decrease figure obtained by deducting the number of people who left the country from those who entered the country showed a minus of 124,000 people also. Among this decrease, 47,000 people were foreigners. It was a minus figure in 15 years since 1994 and the number of people that had decreased was large. The Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications thought that it was affected by the worldwide economic slump caused by Lehman Shock. In 05 the total population of Japan for the first time after the War fell below the previous year, in 06 to 07 it was almost level-off. It decreased again in 08, and the decrease accelerated in 09.

It is beyond doubt that population in Japan is on a decreasing trend.

2010年4月17日 星期六


Recently the NHK News reported the following:



On the 16th, researchers at the universities of Japan, China, and South Korea held a conference in Tokyo to advance the exchange of overseas studying students, and to recognize credit units earned from universities. It decided that the inter-college exchange of these three countries be called "Campus Asia Plan", and agreed to recognize the credit units given out by each other.

This conference was opened after it received agreement to proceed with the inter-college mutual exchange from the summit attended by leaders of the three countries of Japan, China, and South Korea held in Beijing in China last October. In the conference held at the hotel in Chiyoda Ward of Tokyo which was attended by 17 people from the economic world and people related to the government besides the researchers from the universities of each country, Suzuki Senior Vice Minister of Eduction for Science began the meeting by saying that "As the integration of economic activities in East Asian region is progressing, it is indispensable to advance exchange and to promote talent jointly". In response to the situation, it agreed and decided that the inter-college exchange program among three countries to be called "Campus Asia Plan", it admitted the credit units of each other, it made indicators for the evaluation of learning results, so as to advance a review on the progress of the exchange program. Among the three countries of Japan, China and South Korea, Japan pointed out that the number of students who went overseas to study had a decreasing tendency, students were not interested in foreign countries and "the direction is turning inwards". Prof. Yuichiro Anzai of Keio University who served as the conference co-president said that 「The university education in Japan currently shutting itself up from within. I want Japanese school students to go out more actively, starting with the cooperation with the universities of the three countries. 」

So, more university students in China, Japan and South Korea will know each other through this exchange program.

2010年4月15日 星期四


Recently Excite News reported the following:


 「1」「2」の初版はそれぞれ20万部、18万部。注文が殺到し、本が並ばない書店が続出した。このため、新潮社は「3」の初版部数を50万部とした。 しかし、インターネット書店のアマゾンへの事前予約が8日までに約2万5000部に達するなど、50万部でも足りそうにない状況に。そこで、同社は早くも20万部の増刷を決めた。 新刊本は通常、地域によって店頭に並ぶ時期がずれる。だが、今回は「全国平等にする」(同社広報宣伝部)。内容はもちろん、表紙のデザインさえ社内の担当者しか知らないほど、「秘密主義」を徹底。それが読者の関心を一層高める結果になっている. 東京都内の青山ブックセンター六本木店や「SHIBUYA TSUTAYA」店などは午前0時から発売。三省堂書店神保町本店や丸善丸の内本店は、特設ブースを設けて午前7時から売り出す。

 "BOOK 3" of Haruki Murakami's novel "1Q84" (Shincho Company) would hit the market simultaneously throughout the country on the 16th. "BOOK 1" "BOOK 2" published simultaneously last May was a big hit with a total of 2.44 million copies so far. This time certainly it would also become the best-seller and the bookstore certainly would put it on the market at 0:00AM also. The "1Q84" fever seemed would be reignited after an interval of about one year.

The first edition of "1" and "2" had 200,000, and 180,000 copies respectively. The order kept pouring in, and the bookstores one after another had their books sold out. Therefore, Shincho Company made 500,000 copies of the first edition number of "3". However, even with as many as 500,000 copies would not seem to be suffice for the situation because the pre-order to the Amazon Internet Bookstore had reached up to about 25,000 by the eighth of this month. In response, the company already decided to reprint an additional 200,000 copies. Depending on the region, usually at the time when there was a new book, there would be a line up shift in the shop front. However, this time it "Make it equal in the whole country" (advertisement department of this company). It insisted on "Secrecy" in that even for the in-house person-in-charge he could only know just the design of the cover, not to mention its content. The result was that it increased readers' level of concern. The Roppongi Branch of the Aoyama Book Center in Tokyo and the "SHIBUYA TSUTAYA" shop would put the book on the market at 0:00AM. The Sanseido Bookstore Jinbocho headquarters and the Maruzen Marunouchi headquarters would market it at 7:00AM. at their specially installed booth.

Although I am not interested in the novel written by Haruki Murakami, I am still excited by the news that the novel is so popular in Japan. I understand that even in Hong Kong there are many people who love reading the novels written by Haruki Murakami.

2010年4月11日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

 病院では、同僚らが「取材者まで巻き込むデモは許せない」と泣き叫んだ。 村本さんは、UDDが拠点とするバンコク西部ファンファ橋に近いコクウオ交差点付近で、軍とUDDの衝突に巻き込まれ、左胸を撃たれた。 軍は、ゴム弾と主張している。撃たれた時はまだ息があったが、救急車で搬送中に出血多量で亡くなった。村本さんは、髪が肩まであり、記者証を所持していた。村本さんが運ばれた病院には、ロイター通信バンコク支局の同僚らが駆けつけ、「なんでこんなことに」「どうしたらいいのか」と途方に暮れていた。 病院1階奥の集中治療室に安置された遺体には、関係者も近づくことが許されず、同僚らは肩を寄せ合って涙を流した。 同僚の女性(24)は「今は何も言えない」と震えていた。 一緒に取材していた日本人フリージャーナリストは、撃たれる直前の村本さんと現場で会い、デモ隊と治安部隊の衝突について情報交換をした。村本さんは「このような現場に行かないと記者はだめだね。一段落したら飯でも食おう」と話していたという。

In Thailand capital Bangkok on the night of the tenth Hiroyuki Muramoto of Reuter Japanese branch died while covering the moment of collision between the army and the rebel force "The anti-despotism and democratic front (UDD)" of the former Prime Minister Thaksin faction, he was hit by the bullet and fell when standing in the front of both parties who were at a feud.
In the hospital, colleagues screamed , saying that "Those who covered the demonstration should not be involved". Mr. Muramoto's left chest was shot when he covered the collision of UDD with the army in the vicinity of the [kokuuo] intersection near the Bangkok west fan fa bridge where UDD had made it a base. The army insisted that it was rubber-coated metal bullet. When shot he was still breathing, he died due to a large amount of hemorrhage while being transported in the ambulance. Mr. Muramoto was carrying journalist proof to the shoulder and the hair. Colleagues of the Reuter Bangkok branch rushed to the hospital where Mr. Muramoto was admitted, and were at a loss , saying that "Why these kind of things " and "Is it good if it did not?". Parties concerned were not permitted to go near the remains that was kept in the intensive care unit on the first floor deep inside the hospital, and colleagues drew each other's shoulder and were thrown into tears. A female colleague (24) trembled and said that "Now I was unable to say anything". A Japanese free-lance journalist who had been together covering the event met Mr. Muramoto at that spot immediately before he was being shot, and exchanged information on the collision between the security force and demonstrators. It was said that Mr. Muramoto had said「A journalist is useless if he does not come to a site like this. I will eat rice when the first stage is over 」.

It is a sad news to hear. My respect goes to all the Japanese journalists who are so brave in covering the events in Bangkok.

2010年4月10日 星期六


Recently Asahi News reported the following:


 有効性がわかったのは、胃腸の働きをよくして、体力を回復する効果があるとされる補中益気湯(ほちゅうえっきとう)。 昨秋、東京にある病院の職員358人(平均41歳)の協力を得た。半数の人に補中益気湯を4~8週間毎日飲んでもらい、残り半数は飲まなかった。8週間後までに、飲まなかった人で7人が新型インフルと診断された。飲んだ人では1人だけだった。ただ、薬が合わず、途中でやめた人が14人いた。 新見さんは「アレルギーなどがあってワクチンが使いにくい人もいる。漢方薬で予防するという選択肢があってもいい」と話している。

During the internal medicine association general meeting held in Tokyo on the 11th, Niimi Associate professor (surgery) of Teikyo University Department of Medicine announced in a lecture meeting that the Chinese medicine seemed to be useful for the prevention of a new swine flu. The thing that found effective was a soup [called hochuuekkitou] that was understood to have the effect of improving the functioning of the stomach and intestine, and thus helped one to recover his strength. Last autumn the cooperation from 358 staff (41 years old on average) in a hospital in Tokyo was received. Half of the people drank it for 4 to 8 week every day, and the remaining half did not drink. Later by the eighth week, among people who had not drink, seven people were diagnosed as having the new flu. In the drink group only one person was diagnosed as having the new flu. However, the medicine was not suitable for all, and 14 people had given up during that period. Mr. Niimi said 「There are people who have allergy etc. to vaccine and make the use of vaccine difficult too. The use of Chinese medicine may offer you a choice in flu prevention 」.

Its seems that Chinese herb may be a viable alternative in dealing with the new flu.

2010年4月8日 星期四


Recently Yomiuri News reported the following:


 府は「処分中の営業は極めて悪質で、聞いたことがない」としており、改善報告書を提出させた上で再開を認めるかを判断する。 府によると、3月29日夕に同店で食事した男女6人(35~66歳)が下痢や嘔吐(おうと)を発症。府は食中毒と断定し、4月2日の1日間だけ営業停止処分とした。しかし、同店はこの日昼に1グループ4人(63~74歳)に料理を出し、全員に食中毒症状を発症させた。10人とも症状は軽く、快方に向かっている。いずれも懐石コース料理を食べたというが、原因となる菌やウイルスは特定されていない。 同店の男性経営者(78)は読売新聞の取材に対し、「半月前から予約をもらっており、軽く考えて食事を提供してしまった。客には営業停止を受けていたと伝えておらず、申し訳ないことをした」と話した。

On the 5th in Osaka Prefecture a restaurant disregarded the order to suspense business due to food poisoning continued to admit new customers, and new food poisoning happened, this Japanese restaurant "Kaori ([kouri]) Restaurant" in Neyagawa City Kaori town of Osaka Prefecture was ordered to stop business for an indefinite period.

The prefecture judges held that "To do business under suspension penalty has not been heard of and it is extremely harmful", and requested the submission of the improvement report before deciding whether to admit restarting the business. According to the Prefecture, in the evening of March 29 six men and women (aged from 35 to 66 years old) developed diarrhea and vomiting after eating in this shop. The prefecture concluded it was food poisoning, and ordered the suspension of business for one day only, April 2. However, this shop served dishes to a group of four people (aged 63 to 74 years old) in the daytime on this day, and all developed food poisoning symptom. 10 more people also suffered minor illness. Neither the bacterium nor the virus that was responsible could be specified though it was said that all had eaten simple meals. The male manager (78) of this shop when responded to the coverage from the Yomiuri Shimbun said that 「The booking reservation was received since half month ago, and he thought lightly of providing meals.The guests were not told about that a business suspension order had been received, and apologized for it」.

So even in Japan, always be careful and only eat at those reputable restaurants.

2010年4月4日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

 強制わいせつ事件は3分の1になり、同庁は「一定の抑止効果が出ている」としている。 東京都内で昨年、届け出があった電車内での痴漢被害は計1569件。埼京線は全路線のなかで最多の173件(月平均約14・4件)に上り、このうち強制わいせつ事件は計38件(同3・2件)だった。 同庁によると、インターネットの掲示板で知り合った仲間が集団で取り囲むケースもあるなど手口は悪質化している。同庁は昨年10月の鉄道各社との官民合同会議で、車内カメラを設置するよう要請。JR東日本が昨年12月28日から、埼京線の一部車両に計6台取り付けた。 同庁が1、2月について調べたところ、痴漢が計15件(月平均約7・5件)でほぼ半減。このうち強制わいせつは2件にとどまった。JR東日本は設置場所の拡大などを検討する方針。

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, it had been understood that in the JR Saikyou Line where security cameras had been set up in some of the carriages since the end of last year for the purpose of public nuisance prevention, the monthly average number of victims had decreased to about half.
The number of obscene act committed by force was reduced to 1/3, and this agency believed that "A constant deterrent effect has come out". Last year in Tokyo the reported number of public nuisance victimization case in train was 1569. In Saikyou Line in all routes it went up to 173 (on average about 14.4 a month), and among these the forced obscene act case was 38 (average 3.2). According to this agency, the situation was made malignant as there were cases that the companions knew each other through Internet discussion board and then formed into groups. In October last year, during a combine conference held between the government, the people and the individual railway company, this agency requested that cameras be set up in the carriage. On December 28 last year, East Japan Railway installed six in total in some of the carriages of the Saikyou Line. When this agency examined the January and February situation, public nuisance incident was almost reduced by half to 15 in total (monthly average about 7.5). Among these, two were forced obscene act cases. East Japan Railway had the policy to examine the expansion of installation locations.

It seems that in Hong Kong traveling in MTR and other mass transport systems is safer.

2010年4月1日 星期四

The China White Paper 1949 (XVII)

General Hurley was still optimistic about the situation of the National Government in China in early July 1945, as reflected in a report written by him as quoted below:

1. Hurley believed that the Chinese Communists was still waiting and expecting the Soviet to support them against the National government.
2. Hurley believed that if the CCP knew that the Soviet was not supporting them, they would settle their demands with the National Government if the latter was realistic enough.
3. the strength of the armed forces of CCP had been exaggerated, the area of territory controlled by them also had been exaggerated.
4. the number of people adhered to the CCP had been exaggerated.
5. with the support of the Soviet, CCP could bring about a civil war in China, and if without this support, CCP would eventually participate as a political party in the National Government.1

The CCP and the National Government continued their negotiation throughout August 1945. Mao, accompanied by Hurley who had gone to Yenan for this purpose, arrived in Chungking on August 28, 1945, and stayed there for about one month. It was generally believed that Mao's visit to Chungking might have been in part precipitated by the Sino-Soviet Treaty of August, 14, 1945. In this treaty, the Soviet supported the National Government as the only government of China.2 (to be continued)

1.United States, Department of State. The China White Paper-August 1949. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1967, pages 99-100.
2. Ibid., page 105.